Centralia, Illinois

St. Mary School

From Mrs. Pryor

As We Start A New School Year . . . . .


Another school year is upon us. We have welcomed the 2023-2024 school year with 131 amazing students and their families. The beginning of the school year is a time full of excitement and curiosity. All students are happy to be back with their friends, and the teachers have been renewed in their mission. The first days were wildly delightful as the Pre-K students filled the halls with many of them experiencing their first time in a school setting. We also welcomed many new students in K-8. They have all settled in nicely, and we are grateful for their presence. Please continue to pray for the school as we grow.

Again, this year we will be working through our Virtue in Education program. Every two weeks, students will learn about a specific virtue that will help us to live more like Christ. We focus on virtues such as generosity, love, faith, hope, kindness, and many more. The students also learn about the saints that displayed those same virtues.

This year we welcome Mrs. Alyssa Boyce as the Pre-K 3 teacher. She was with us last year as an Aide, and we are so happy to have her with us full-time in a different role. We also welcome Mr. Mike Clymer as the 5th & 6th Grade Teacher. The year is off to a great start with both, and they are acclimating into their new roles.

Also new this year is a brand-new kitchen. We were able to paint, put up new lights, get new flooring, and replace the convection oven all thanks to memorial money that was donated to the school. Additionally, with EANS reallocation money, we were able to update English in Grades 1-8. Thanks to the Freeman Fund, the school and PSR were both able to update their religion curriculum. We are all very excited about this new program that will work to make our students more familiar with the Bible.




Maria Pryor, Principal




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